Congratulations to Hollywood Chapter and all their hard work! We've gone through some challenges and pushed ourselves to be excellent in what we do, whether it's our ritual, our philanthropy, or just having fun. This year we swept almost every single category for all of Southern California.
Chapter of the Year 2017: Hollywood Chapter
Most Members Initiated: Hollywood Chapter
DeMolay of the Year: Oliver Rodriguez, Master Councilor of Hollywood Chapter
Advisor of the Year: Ever Mendoza, Hollywood Chapter Dad
Princess Sweetie Award: Jack Klein, Hollywood Chapter
Chevalier (The highest honor conferred): Oliver Rodriguez, Master Councilor, and Eddie Mendoza, Former Master Councilor.
PMC-MSA (One of the most prestigious & difficult to earn): Oliver Rodriguez, and Eddie Mendoza.
Best Sr. Flower Talk: Oliver Rodriquez
Best Jr. Flower Talk: Jody Williams,
Best Sr. Preceptor: Eddie Mendoza
Best Jr. Preceptor: Jack Klein
On top of that, our own Oliver Rodriguez was elected to be the League President, and Dad Kurowski, was appointed as the League Dad! Thank you to all those who came out to show their support, and who make Hollywood the best Chapter in all of Southern California!
Do you want to be part of something great? Reach out to us and see what we're all about: Brotherhood, Leadership, Excellence!